5 Invaluable Pieces of Advice for Every New Driver

The number of new drivers increases yearly and now totals more than 225 million. Millennials are the biggest group of first-time drivers. New road users need to learn the best tips when they get on the road to ensure driver safety.
Some new driver tips include obtaining good car insurance, minimizing distractions, and learning how to drive in bad weather. Knowing these driver tips will get new drivers in Arizona off to the right start!
Here’s more on five first-time driver safety tips.
1. Get Good Car Insurance
You must have car insurance when driving a car. Failure to do so could cost you severe penalties. Good car insurance is arguably the best advice for drivers.
In Arizona, you must have property damage liability insurance of $15,000 with bodily injury liability coverage of $25,000 per person. If you’re at fault, insurance will cover the damages. However, these minimums don’t cover your vehicle.
Find car insurance laws details here, especially for new road users and first-time drivers.
2. Minimize Distractions
New driver tips include turning off your smartphone and avoiding eating during your travels. Also, let others in the car know you must concentrate on the road.
And, of course, don’t drink and drive.
Each year, distracted driving kills more than 3,000 people. Using your smartphone, adjusting the radio, and even drinking coffee can cause an accident.
3. Learn How to Drive in Bad Weather
Rain and thunderstorms can cause tricky driving conditions for a new driver behind the wheel of a new car. Hydroplaning can cause your car to go out of control. High winds can push your vehicle across the wheel if you fail to keep both hands on the wheel.
Driving in bad weather is a matter of practice. Take it slow. And if things get terrible, some of the best advice for drivers is to pull over.
Even parts of Arizona get snow, which could make things tricky!
4. Practice
Take your new car out for a ride on a Saturday afternoon. Practice makes perfect.
Practice rides will help you to familiarize yourself with your new car. You’ll learn where all of the buttons and features are on the vehicle.
5. Watch Your Speed
Follow the posted speed limit. It’s there for a reason!
Driving too fast will cause you to lose control of the vehicle and possibly cause an accident. Speeding also makes the roadway unsafe for other drivers.
You could also get a speeding ticket. Racking up points on your license will only cause you to pay higher insurance rates.
Five Tips for New Drivers
Five tips for new drivers include getting good car insurance, minimizing distractions, and learning how to drive in bad weather. Moreover, practice your new-found skills and watch your speed! Following this advice will keep you and others safe on the roadways in Arizona!
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